3D View
Image files that have been created by magnetic resonance tomography (MR), computed tomography (CT) or microtomography can be converted into a computer model by image-based meshing. With the Marching Cubes algorithm, a voxel image consisting of image points is approximated by a polygon image. By using triangulation the surface is then divided into pieces that are relevant for the flow analysis (eg nasal passage, sinus, etc.). The wall thickness suitable for 3D printing is being defined. In Rhinodiagnost we are particularly interested in the mesh of the interior of the nasal cavities, the volume polygon. Volumetric polygons discretize the inner structure of the object, the volume lattice.
The 3D model displayed above shows the entire nasal cavity. With the mouse pointer, the 3D model can be rotated as desired, with the mouse wheel the model is enlarged or reduced.