IREPS 2018


Integrating Research, Education, and Problem Solving

Orlando, Florida (US)

10100 International Drive Orlando, FL 32821-8095, USA

With Rhinodiagnost Participation

The Special Track on Integrating Research, Education, and Problem Solving: IREPS 2018 is to foster the integration of academic activities by means of organizing a forum of academics who:


  • Present means and ends of this kind of integration, i.e. why it is important and how it might be achieved. This include reflection or exploration related to the synergies that might emerge from this kind of integration
  • Present the way in which any two of the academic activities, or the three of them, have been, or might be, related in a given discipline. This might generate analogical thinking oriented to how to achieve similar relationships in other disciplines.
  • Describe specific real life cases where two of the fundamental academic activities, or the three of them, have been related.
  • Proposing or describing specific or general methodologies for relating any academic activities
  • Propose or describe organizational academic incentives oriented to foster the identification of different way for relating academic activities and/or to foster the praxis of this kind or relationships oriented to the integration of academic activities.
  • Propose or describe different ways, or specific cases, of relating academy and Industry, or with the private and/or the public sector.