Rhinodiagnost Final Symposium


Join us online when we share the research results of Rhinodiagnost.

From 3.00 pm until 7.00 pm CET


free of charge

Organized by the Rhinodiagnost Consortium

Further details on the event, registration and the presentations can be found on the event website. The event language is English.



3:00 – 3:10



Walter Koch, Andreas Lintermann

3:10 – 3:30

Virtual Surgeries of Nasal Cavities on High Performance Computing Systems

Moritz Waldmann

3:35 – 3:55

Enabeling web-based interactive HPC for Rhinology

Christian Witzler

4:00 – 4:20

Collaborative Virtual Reality for Rhinology

Andreas Franken, Jens Henrik Göbbert


Coffee Break


4:40 – 5:00

The segmentation of CT scans using artificial intelligence

Walter Koch, Matthias Lehner

5:05 – 5:25

CFD-Simulation - a Rhinodiagnost Service

Odo Benda, Ramiro Ortiz

5:30 – 5:45

Systematic analysis of physical rhinological function tests

Klaus Vogt, Klaus-Dieter Wernecke, Anita Bergmane


Coffee Break


6:00 – 6:10

Development and first tests of a new 4-phase-rhinomanometer

Christopher Kohn, Klaus Vogt, Matthias Prill, David Lang

6:15 – 6:30

Elastography and elastometry of the lateral nasal wall

Klaus Vogt, Liga Akmenkalne, Lucas van Boemmel

6:35 – 6:50

Subjective sensation of nasal resistance

Klaus Vogt, Eliza Poikane, Patricia Neumaier, Marta Ievina



Walter Koch, Andreas Lintermann